Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Deere John,

You would be so proud of me....It's finally happened..... I have shot my first gopher... You have to understand- I have never shot at an animal in my life-But I got him with the first shot!!!!

Oh my word am I ever a hick!!!!!!

Sorry I haven't written in a while- since I have been out at the farm I don't have access to the internet like I used to- I will try to do better tho...... Try......

I love my house....It needs lots of little fixes.... But I like it....Tazz is the happiest cat in the world... Talking about Tazz.....

I was having a wonderful sleep the other day when I hear this awful-I don't quite know what to call it- "Yowling" perhaps????? So, as aI awake, my cat comes flying into my bedroom- chasing a mouse- yes.... A MOUSE!!!!! Into MY bedroom!!!!!!

Needless to say- the mouse got chased out- I haven't seen him since then- however, that was the end of that wonderful sleep!!!!

I don't recall telling you about being gibbled- but I am!!!! I am on WCB right now due to a right shoulder injury......Well, its been two months now and after an Assessment in North Battleford- I am informed that I am injured!!!!! I am glad that we drove down there for that.

Sorry, I gotta run......My arm is tired......

Talk at ya later


p.s- orthopaedic surgeon on thursday- yeah!!!!

...I think??????